How Venezuela Bought Military Loyalty
Dozens of Venezuelan army generals are linked to private businesses, many of which are getting government contracts.
Dozens of Venezuelan army generals are linked to private businesses, many of which are getting government contracts.
As Venezuela’s economy collapsed, relatives of the defense minister were building a network of companies and properties in...
General Alejandro Maya graduated from the Military Academy of Venezuela in 1987, part of a class that would feed the upper...
Though General Carlos Cestari is an active Twitter user, he mainly sticks to retweeting President Nicolas Maduro and...
General Edgar Maestre has held managing, planning, and budget positions within Venezuela’s Ministry of Defense.
In addition to his military duties, General Francisco MartĂnez manages a hotel in Chuspa, a village near Caracas on the...
In July 2017, President Maduro personally awarded General Francisco Megdaleno RodrĂguez a Venezuelan flag, making him the...
General Gerardo Merchán has served as commander of an armored brigade and coordinator of a wholesale market.
General Guillermo Barboza, born in 1962, has served as the army’s director of education and as a director of military...
General Heikel Gámez took part in the 1992 Venezuelan coup attempts led by Hugo Chávez and is currently the defense attaché...
General AlayĂłn graduated from the Military Academy of Venezuela in 1991, subsequently joining several air defense...
General JesĂşs Morales is listed as president and owner of half of Construsum M & M, C.A., a construction company that...