Revealed: The Pentagon Is Spending Up To $2.2 Billion on Soviet-Style Arms for Syrian Rebels
The Pentagon is on the hunt for Soviet-style arms across Eastern Europe -- and it’s using questionable contractors and...
The Pentagon is on the hunt for Soviet-style arms across Eastern Europe -- and it’s using questionable contractors and...
The Pentagon has rerouted its weapons supply-line to Syria after officials in Berlin became concerned at the surge in arms...
"How a batch of heavy machine guns travelled illegally from a Serbian state-owned factory to Syrian rebels via a...
"Zagreb sold a record amount of aging weapons and ammunition to Saudi Arabia in 2016, ignoring evidence the arms are...
"The European Union’s foreign policy unit is monitoring the flow of weapons to the Middle East and into the hands of...
Serbian Prime Minister Aleskandar Vucic has defended arms sales to Saudi Arabia, in response to OCCRP/BIRN revelations that...
An unprecedented flow of weapons from Central and Eastern Europe is flooding the battlefields of the Middle East.
Arms and human rights experts question the legality of Central and Eastern Europe’s rocketing arms trade with the Middle...
Global law firm’s customers include suspected financiers of terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferators and gunrunners