Kerissaco Management Ltd.

The Russian Laundromat Exposed

Kerissaco Management Ltd., founded in Cyprus in 2008, markets itself as a provider of film production services and equipment. The company received a total of $3,624,571 through Laundromat to its Slovenian bank account in 2014.

Kerissaco Management Ltd., founded in Cyprus in 2008, markets itself as a provider of film production services and equipment. The company received a total of $3,624,571 through Laundromat to its Slovenian bank account in 2014. Many of these transactions - the purpose of which was listed as "payment for electronic equipment" - were reported to the Slovenian Anti-Money Laundering Office as demanded by money laundering legislation, but it is unknown whether any further investigation occurred.

Kerissaco is owned by another Cypriot company, Totalserve Consultants Ltd., which offers tax planning and fiduciary services. It is also listed as a partner of Trading and Freight Agency Co. Ltd. (TFA), which claims on its website to have an office in London - but this address is actually a mailbox at Mail Boxes Etc. (similar to Jillava Shipping Ltd., another Laundromat beneficiary).

According to an earlier version of TFA's website, Kerissaco and Jillava were its partners in Slovenia. But in response to a reporter’s inquiries, a man claiming to represent the company (though his signature did not match the header on his email) wrote that these partnerships are no longer active, and said that the company would update its website. At the time of publication, TFA’s “partners” page is listed as being “under construction.”

Kerissaco is unknown among Slovenian ship brokers or by staff at Luka Koper, the company that provides port and logistics services in Slovenia's only commercial port.

According to reports made to Slovenia’s Anti-Money Laundering Office, Kerissaco wired € 50 million to other offshore companies from 2011 onwards, suggesting that the company may be a shell through which money is passed.