UK: Landlord Jailed for Renting Properties to Gangs
UK authorities have put a Chinese man behind bars for renting out hundreds of properties to gangs to be used in...
UK authorities have put a Chinese man behind bars for renting out hundreds of properties to gangs to be used in...
Formations House created and sold companies based in a Gambian offshore zone — that the government says never existed.
The UK National Crime Agency has reached a 190 million pound (US$248.33 million) settlement with a Pakistani real estate...
Girls caught up in gangs are trapped in a cycle of threats and violence and are vulnerable to criminal and sexual...
It’s an invention normally seen seen in South America, but British and Spanish police say they’ve intercepted a submarine...
Ten people have been arrested on suspicion of smuggling more than £15.5 million (US$20 million) out of the United Kingdom...
A group led by the CEO of an Indian pharmaceutical company was convicted on Thursday for running a massive anabolic steroid...
Four members of a family have turned over more than a dozen properties across the United Kingdom and Spain worth US$10.3...
UK authorities arrested 13 members of an international organized crime group accused of importing 50 tonnes of drugs worth...
The UK National Crime Agency froze on Wednesday eight bank accounts with more than £100 million (US$ 121,004,893) it...
An investigation by the UK authorities has found that “chicken shop gangs” are recruiting school children to deal drugs in...
A woman from Northern Ireland with a portfolio of luxurious properties worth US$3.8 million has been ordered to disclose the...