
European Union

Bulgaria to Seize Property

More than $100 million in property owned by a Bulgarian energy tycoon will be confiscated by the state’s asset...

G-20 Roundup

Groups that keep an eye on money laundering and illicit money flows were cautiously pleased after finance...

TI Rates World Corruption

Dodgy privatizations in the Balkans and officials extorting money from companies in Russia were just some of the...

EU: Thaw Some Bulgarian Funds

The European Union (EU) will unfreeze around $160 million in farm aid to Bulgaria, after deciding Sept. 7 that...

Google is Not Your Friend

The internet is a powerful tool in the service of investigative journalists reporting on cross-border corruption...

Mob Turns Green for Cash

Green isn’t just a color anymore. From solar energy to organic food, “green” describes loads of up-and-coming...

EU Cites Corruption

In the latest in a string of reports issued on Romania and Bulgaria since they became European Union members in...

Boyko Borisov and Bulgaria

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister-Elect Boyko Borisov was swept into office July 5th by a large margin after he promised...

Bulgarian Ring Smashed

A Bulgarian counterfeiting ring accused of distributing more than €16 million in fake euro notes since 2005 was...

EU: More Suspect Transactions

In a sign of increased cross-border cooperation, reports of suspicious financial transactions in the European...

EU Releases Bulgaria Road Aid

The European Commission unblocked €115 million in road aid for Bulgaria Tuesday that it had blocked last year over...