Journalists in Bulgaria Attacked by Criminals and Prosecutors
Both a suspected member of a criminal group as well as Bulgaria State Prosecutor’s Office have launched attacks against...
Both a suspected member of a criminal group as well as Bulgaria State Prosecutor’s Office have launched attacks against...
Cyberware criminals, drug traffickers, and even hostile state actors can abuse decentralized finance services (DeFi) to...
A U.S. court has sentenced five people to prison and ordered them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in restitution for...
A court in Uganda has charged government minister Mary Goretti Kitutu with four counts related to the theft of 14,500 metal...
Venezuela's chief prosecutor has said that his office has requested the police to search 142 locations nationwide and arrest...
Authorities from 17 countries detained around 120 suspects and conducted over 200 searches as they took down one of the...
A former president of Haiti’s lower house of parliament was sanctioned Wednesday for his extensive involvement in...
Of the 90 million containers that find their way through EU ports every year, law enforcement is able to physically inspect...
The U.S State Department sanctioned on Wednesday four Georgian judges, accusing them of significant corruption, and banning...
Dozens of Armenian citizens acted as proxy directors for a network of companies used by Eastern European oligarchs to move...
The junta in West Africa’s Burkina Faso forced two French journalists from Le Monde and Liberation to leave the country...
Mining magnate Beny Steinmetz lost his appeal against a foreign bribery conviction, after Geneva’s judiciary ruled Tuesday...