Peru: New Organized Crime Law Vital

February 27th, 2013

Peru needs new laws to tackle organized crime,Peruvian Cabinet Chief Juan Jimenez said in a report by state news agency Andina.

The threat from organized crime necessitates legislation that allow law enforcement to tackle criminals “differently than minor assaults,” Jimenez said, suggesting that Peru adopt a legal framework similar to Mexico and Colombia. Jimenez said that the new legislation should provide for development of communications tracking and undercover operatives.

“Widespread” corruption within the Peruvian security apparatus and judicial system exacerbates the growing problem of crime, both organized and small-time, the Peruvian Times added.

The Peruvian government does seem to be taking steps to contain the crime problem. On Tuesday, 498 senior police officials, including police chiefs, were relieved of their responsibilities, according to The sackings included anti-narcotics chiefs in two main cocaine producing regions, Peruvian President Ollanta Humala has committed to investing over $300 million in police infrastructure, as well as increasing police salaries as a means to lower incentives for corruption, reported.