OCCRP Reporters Win Awards

June 27th, 2013

Reporters from the Center for Investigative Reporting in Sarajevo (CIN), an OCCRP partner, won the award for Best Reported Corruption Story given by ACCOUNT (Bosnia’s Legal Anti-Corruption Network).

Aladin Abdagić’s investigation into the murky finances and properties owned by Kemal Čaušević, Bosnia’s former head of the Indirect Taxation Authority took the prize. It was edited by Azhar Kalamujić.

“CIN’s aim is to spread transparency, especially among officials,” Abdagić said. “This investigation continued that trend,” he said.

The award for best corruption video went to Bosnia Broadcasting Company’s CRTA for a story on drug kingpin Naser Kelmendi. The video was based on material previously published by CIN in an investigation which profiled Kelmendi and outlined some of his more dubious activities. That story was written by Azhar Kalamujić and edited by Drew Sullivan.