Miami Prof, Organized Crime Expert Indicted For Money Laundering


They say that those who can’t do, teach — but on Monday, federal authorities allegedthat a Miami professor with expertise in organized crime played an active role in a conspiracy to launder approximately $2.5 million in dirty Venezuelan money.


The indictment states that from November 2017 to October 2018, 73-year-old University of Miami professor Bruce Bagley received in a bank account under his control approximately $2.5 million from sources authorities allege he knew were dirty. The indictment says the money came from foreign bribery and embezzlement, “stolen from the Venezuelan people.”

After receiving money from alleged co-conspirators, the indictment said, Bagley transferred it to others, keeping about 10 percent as a commission. 

The Miami Herald reported Monday that Bagley made his first court appearance that same day, and was ordered to pay a $300,000 bond. The newspaper says that he’s scheduled for another appearance in Miami federal court Thursday.  

Multiple outlets have disseminated a University of Miami statement, announcing that Bagley has been put on administrative leave in light of the allegations.

FBI official William F. Sweeney Jr. was quoted in the Department of Justice’s release as saying, “[T]he only lesson to be learned from Professor Bagley today is that involving oneself in public corruption, bribery, and embezzlement schemes is going to lead to an indictment.”