
Over $427 Billion is Lost To Tax Havens Every Year

As governments around the globe face budgetary pressures due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the urgency to crack down on tax havens – responsible for an estimated loss of over US$ 427 billion each year – has become even more crucial, experts said in response to new findings. 

Third Police Officer Charged in Louisville Sexual Abuse Scandal

A third officer has been charged amidst a sex-scandal in Louisville, Kentucky, wherein police conspired to delete hundreds of thousands of records related to officers in their force who allegedly sexually abused minors while in charge of a youth program. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Could Become Liquid Gold for Criminals

As the world is eagerly awaiting a vaccine to stop the spread of the coronavirus, some international agencies warn of its possible weaponization and misuse and predict that criminal networks will target storage facilities and distribution networks as soon as vaccines move closer to delivery.

European Authorities Crack Down on Arms Traffickers

Police in Europe cracked down on the illegal arms trade across the continent in two separate operations that saw 18 arrests, dozens of objects raided, nearly 200 firearms and millions in assets seized across the continent.