
Ukraine Reimposes Higher Anti-Graft Protections

The chairman of Ukraine’s parliament, Dmytro Razumkov, on Monday signed a bill to reimpose sanctions on officials who declare misleading details on their assets, after the parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, overturned an earlier ruling of the country’s Constitutional Court last week.

U.K. Snatches Cocaine Stashed in Banana Pulp

The U.K. Border Force officers have seized more than a tonne of cocaine, estimated at 100 million British pounds (US$133.28 million), hidden amongst a shipment of banana pulp bound for Europe, the U.K. Home Office confirmed to OCCRP Monday.

U.S., Europe Crack Down on Money Laundering

European and U.S. authorities arrested in separate operations hundreds and identified thousands of so-called money mules - people who assist fraudsters by receiving money from victims and forwarding it to the fraud organizers - and their recruiters.