
Italian Mafia Bets on Illegal Online Gambling

Italian authorities announced on Wednesday the seizure of over 80 million euros (US$95.8 million) in assets and restriction orders against 23 people allegedly linked to Sicily’s Cosa Nostra for involvement in illegal gambling, aggravated fraud, tax evasion and money laundering.

Report: Pirates Return to the Caribbean, but West Africa Still Hotspot

Despite the decrease in trade and travel brought on by the novel coronavirus pandemic, 2020 saw a distinct rise in maritime piracy at some of the usual hotspots around the world but with a concerning trend emerging in the Gulf of Mexico which could become a new hunting ground for modern pirates, maritime security experts said.

US DEA: Narco Traffickers Bouncing Back Amid Pandemic

Organized criminals have recovered from disruptions to their operations caused by COVID-19 and resumed flooding the United States with narcotics, including synthetic opioids that have driven the number of overdose deaths to record levels.

Heroin and War Crimes: Conflict Rages On in Mozambique

Hundreds of civilians have been killed by Islamist insurgents, government security forces and a pro-government mercenary company in a poverty-driven conflict in the north of Mozambique, a key pillar in southern Africa’s various illicit economies, states a report published on Tuesday.

Three Afghan Female Media Workers Shot Dead by ISIS

Hundreds attended on Wednesday the funeral of three young women who have worked for a TV and radio station in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad and who were gunned down a day earlier in two separate terrorist attacks the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for.

UK May Extradite Diamond Magnate Modi to India

A U.K. court said Indian billionaire and diamond magnate Nirav Modi can be extradited to his native country which accused him three years ago of bank fraud worth US$1.8 billion, money laundering and interfering with an investigation.