
Brazilian Judge Acquits Ex-President Temer in Graft Case

A federal court in Brazil acquitted former president Michel Temer (2016-2018) on Wednesday after finding there wasn’t enough evidence to support the prosecution's claim that he had led a criminal organization which facilitated bribery. 

French Journalist Said He Was Kidnapped in Mali

A French journalist who went missing beginning of April appeared on Wednesday in a video that surfaced on social media in which he said that he was kidnapped by the Al Qaeda affiliated Support Group for Islam and Muslims (GSIM) in Gao, Mali.

HRW: Global Treaty on Cybercrime Threatens Human Rights

A global treaty tackling cybercrime threatens to put freedom of expression and other human rights at stake in many countries as governments could abuse the pact to silence dissidents and undermine privacy, Human Rights Watch said.

Spanish Police Bust 12 Tons of Hashish

Spanish law enforcement agencies said that in two separate operations they arrested 11 people and seized 12 tons of hashish that came in from Africa by boats.