
Suspected Drug Producer Sues KRIK for Calling him ‘Accused Narco Boss’

The alleged owner of a cannabis farm sued the Serbian investigative portal KRIK for calling him an “accused narco boss,” although the man is currently on trial for growing more than a tonne of the banned weed. Journalist associations said on Wednesday that the lawsuit is aimed to stop KRIK from reporting about the case.

UK Aims to Seize £15 Million From Family of Azeri Politician

The United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA) is looking to seize 15 million pounds (US$20.5 million) in bank accounts that belong to the wife, son, and nephew of Javanshir Feyziyev, an influential Azerbaijani politician. The agency believes the money had been laundered through a vast money transfer system uncovered in 2017 by OCCRP.