
Swedish Oil Execs Indicted for Complicity in War Crimes

In a rare case for a Western company, two top executives from Lundin Energy of Sweden were indicted on Thursday for complicity in grave war crimes committed in Sudan between 1999 and 2003, when the Sudanese army allegedly indiscriminately killed civilians to pave way for Lundin’s oil exploration, prosecutors argue.

US Authorities Arrest Ivory and Rhino Horn Smugglers

U.S authorities in Seattle arrested two men from the Democratic Republic of the Congo for smuggling several small packages of ivory into the country to strike a deal with a buyer to bring over a much larger load. 

Europe’s Prosecutor in Action Against VAT Carousel

Authorities in Germany arrested four people suspected of forming a criminal organization and evading taxes, which is believed to have resulted in 23 million euro (US$26.57 million) in tax loss in Germany, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), said in a statement last week.