
US: Woman Arrested for Funneling Funds to ISIS Using Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s 80 percent climb in December made headlines last week and for the lucky investors who can now reap the benefits of its heightened value, the cryptocurreny may seem like a hallmark of the future. But as warnings grow over the risk of a speculative bubble and volatile price fluctuations, another concern has emerged— bitcoin’s anonymity and its potential use in money laundering schemes.

FIFA Trial Ends: Deliberations Begin

The trial of three former football officials suspected of bribery ended Thursday in a Brooklyn courtroom, concluding a month of lively events surrounding the case such as throat-slitting gestures and a sleepy juror, reported The New York Times.

Odebrecht Case: Ecuador VP Sentenced to Six Years in Prison

A court sentenced Ecuadoran Vice President Jorge Glas to six years in prison on Wednesday for receiving bribes from Odebrecht—a Brazilian construction company tangled in a high-level corruption scandal—in exchange for government contracts.

Pakistan Looking in London for Evidence against ex PM

Pakistan sent two investigators to London to collect evidence about apartments the family of ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif allegedly secretly owns according to the Panama Papers leaks, Pakistani media reported on Thursday.