
Romance Scams Broke Hearts and Stole Millions from U.K. Victims

British authorities have reported that people in the U.K. lost more than US$113 million last year in so-called "romance scams" – a type of scam where a perpetrator creates a fake identity, gains the victim's affection and trust and then empties his or her bank account.

Romania has Blocked Aid for Ukrainian Refugees

Romania has blocked the distribution of EU funds that Brussels had redirected from other projects to help Ukrainian refugees, as revealed by an investigation by OCCRP partner Context.ro. This move left many of those who fled from shells and bullets without income and forced them to return to war-torn Ukraine.

Nigeria Arrests Wildlife-Smuggling Kingpin

Nigerian authorities have arrested a suspected wildlife trafficking kingpin whom they hold responsible for a large shipment of illegal wildlife products that police discovered and seized in 2021 before it managed to be sent to Vietnam.