
The EU’s New Action Plan to Fight Money Laundering

European Parliament on Tuesday adopted drastic new measures to tackle financial crime, including setting up an anti-money laundering watchdog and a financial police force, as well as the complete phasing out of the Golden Visas program.

Man Sentenced for Attempting to Bribe African Officials

A multi-million dollar scheme to bribe top African officials in order to boost a Chinese energy company has landed Patrick Ho, a former Hong Kong government official who US Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman on Monday called “brazen,” to three years in jail.

Bulgarian Ministers Resign Over Posh Real Estate Scandal

Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Energy Krasimir Parvanov became the third top official to resign on Tuesday, after OCCRP partners revealed that a slew of Bulgarian politicians snagged luxurious real estate in Sofia, the nation’s capital, for just a quarter of market price.