
Saga of Corruption in Russian Funeral Business Continues

Russian journalist Ivan Golunov, who was recently freed from prison after a public outcry over false drug allegations, published a new investigation on Monday that delves into the corruption and organized-crime laden expansion of a 26 billion ruble (US$412.5 million) funeral business empire, revealing links between businessmen and high-ranking Russian officials.

Switzerland to Tighten its Anti-Money Laundering Rules

Known for the banking secrecy that has given the country its reputation as a “dirty money hub,” Switzerland now plans to tighten its anti-money laundering regulations and bring them in line with international standards.

Cult Member Accused of Embezzling from US Government

The US charged a member of a shadowy Mormon group with over 100 business across the American West of embezzling US$500 million in biodiesel tax credits, laundering nearly $134 million and of witness tampering.