
Bosnian Raspberry Farm Granted Contract to buy Ventilators

Because emergency situations like the coronavirus pandemic allow for less transparent procurement procedures, Bosnia so far saw a publishing company purchasing face masks for Central Bank staff, a tourist agency providing equipment to medical institutions and similar, previously unimaginable, combinations.

Brazil: Bolsonaro Loyalist to Replace Resigned Justice Minister

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is expected to appoint a close aide to replace former Justice Minister Sérgio Moro, sources told Reuters on Sunday, the newest development in what critics say is a concerted effort by the president to crush several investigations into his family’s criminality. 

US and UK Take on COVID-19 Scams

Hundreds of COVID-19-related scams, many of which operated from websites that advertised fake vaccines and cures, operated fraudulent charity drives, delivered malware, or hosted various other types of scams, have been disrupted by US law enforcement, the Department of Justice said on Wednesday.