
Swedish Police Seize Evidence Against Milton Group Fraudsters

Swedish authorities have managed to seize a server in Germany that contains records of calls from Kyiv-based fraudsters who are suspected of stealing the life savings of hundreds of elderly victims around the world by convincing them, among others, to invest in fictitious cryptocurrencies, Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter reported. 

Deutsche Bank will Pay $583K to Settle Violation of Sanctions

The U.S. Department of Treasury announced on Wednesday that the largest German investment and financial services provider Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay two settlements totaling US$583,100 for facilitating transactions that violated Ukraine-related sanctions.

Mexican President Open to Extraditing Predecessor

Although the United States has given no indication that it is presently investigating any of the country’s former presidents, Mexico’s current leader has said he would be willing to extradite one of his predecessors were he asked to do so.