
Nigeria Arrests Three Cybercrime Suspects

With the support of Interpol and the cybersecurity company Group-IB, Nigerian police have apprehended three cybercrime suspects who are alleged to have developed phishing links, domains, and mass mailing campaigns, the international police agency said on Wednesday.

Malta Arrests 15 Money Laundering Suspects

Maltese authorities said on Thursday that they have arrested 15 people in connection with a highly sophisticated money laundering case. Media in Valletta claim the group smuggled fuel in cooperation with the Italian mafia and Libyan armed forces.

US Charges Venezuelan Businessman With Money Laundering

U.S. prosecutors have charged a businessman with Venezuelan and Italian citizenship for laundering the proceeds of inflated contracts that were obtained by making bribe payments to officials at Venezuela’s state-owned energy company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA).

Organized Crime Has a New Tool in Its Belt - Artificial Intelligence

As new technologies offer a world of opportunities and benefits in many sectors, so too do they offer new avenues and for organized crime. It was true at the advent of the internet, and it’s true for the growing field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, according to a new joint report by Europol and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Center.