
PNG Investigating How Meth Flight Suspect Got Citizenship

Authorities in Papua New Guinea are investigating how a China-born businesswoman accused of orchestrating a methamphetamine “black flight” was able to obtain PNG citizenship, the country’s immigration minister said, after OCCRP and partners revealed she appeared to have falsified key parts of her citizenship application.

Romanian News Outlet Targeted in SLAPP Lawsuit

In a bold legal move, Romanian businessman Jorgan Faff has sued Context.ro, the investigative news outlet and OCCRP member in Romania, claiming that a series of the outlet’s investigation articles regarding a stalled golf course project have damaged his reputation and his finances.

India Arrests Opposition Leader for Graft Weeks before Election

Supporters of opposition leader and Delhi’s chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, who was detained last week over allegations of corruption, said on Monday that the real reason for the apprehension was Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s fear of him as the only opponent who could defeat him in next month's elections.

Europol: Holiday Rental Fraud Exposed in Romania

Romanian and Spanish authorities have apprehended nine people suspected of the fake promotion of holiday rentals, swindling over a 1,000 unsuspecting victims and netting millions of euro in ill-gotten gains.

Ukraine Cracks Down on Revenge Arson Syndicate

Ukrainian authorities say they have dismantled a criminal group that people could hire to carry out revenge attacks or burn down homes of their client’s adversaries in exchange for US$500 to $3,000.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Busts Fake Diplomas Ring

Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina arrested six people suspected of trafficking counterfeit university diplomas in cooperation with an Italian professor from Sicily who appears to be the mastermind of the scheme.