
US: Woman Charged with Defrauding FEMA of $156M

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted Monday a woman for allegedly defrauding the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of US$156 million by falsely claiming to have provided 30 million meals to Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017.

President of Peru Accused of Leading a Corruption Ring

Just days after Peruvian lawmakers accused top prosecutor Patricia Benavides of belonging to a criminal organization, she filed an official accusation with the Congress against sitting President Pedro Castillo, demanding an investigation into potential graft in public works.

Former Austrian Chancellor and ex-NSO Chief Start Cybersecurity Firm

Former chief executive of the controversial Israeli spyware company NSO Group, Shalev Hulio, has partnered with Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s ex-Chancellor who was forced to resign following a corruption investigation last year, to launch the cybersecurity startup “Dream Security”.