Bosnia-Herzegovina: Tax Investigators Arrested For Bribery

December 20th, 2012

Two tax officials were arrested this week as part of the Republika Srpska Ministry of theInterior's ongoing "Operation Spring" campaign to combat corruption, the ministry announcedThursday. The men were caught accepting over $10,000 in bribes from a company looking tofix its tax "irregularities," and their offices and private homes were searched as part of the arrest,according to news reports.

"Operation Spring" has so far led to the arrest of several tax officials in Republika Srpska,including one government official accused of bribery and another accused of abuse ofoffice. In August, Srdjan Ljubojevic, a company director for the public forest managemententerprise "Suma Srpske," was arrested for allegedly accepting bribes worth aproximately$6,670, even as he failed to pay workers' salaries, accordign to multiple local media reports.