Statement from OCCRP on Government Attacks on


It has come to our attention that members of the current government have launched a smearing campaign against one of the members of our network.

In a report that was published on Monday, KRIK has raised valid questions regarding the expensive property owned by a government official. We believe that the response of Minister Aleksandar Vulin was inappropriate for his position and an attempt to divert attention from the questions he is obliged to answer. Serbian officials must provide answers, not attack those who ask.

KRIK is a part of The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) - an investigative reporting platform formed by 40 non-profit investigative centers, scores of journalists and several major regional news organizations around the globe.

Our common goal is to help the people of the world understand how organized crime and corruption resides in their countries and in their governments.

We urge the government of Ana Brnabic to focus on providing answers to the public and government officials to stop smearing those who are asking. Unfettered, independent media is a critical part of the democratic process and a integral value of the union that Serbia aspires to join.