Israel detains 30 Suspects of Organized Tax Fraud

Опубликовано: 11 Сентябрь 2020

The suspects defrauded companies, individuals as well as Israeli authorities. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)The suspects defrauded companies, individuals as well as the Israeli authorities. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Israeli police detained 30 people suspected of participating in a fraud scheme that saw hundreds of oil companies being fraudulently registered in the names of the suspects who then took bank loans and issued fictitious tax invoices, pocketing the money.

According to a Monday statement from Israeli police, the suspects defrauded companies, individuals as well as authorities from whom they stole millions.

“Police investigators also revealed that some of the suspects owned gas stations in several cities, and that some of the fuels traded by the suspects and supplied to the public were found to be mixed with other substances in violation of the law,” said the statement.

“This is a serious affair according to which criminal elements teamed up with freelancers, including lawyers and accountants,” said the country’s tax authority.