Tajik Official Arrested for Embezzling Pension Fund Money

Опубликовано: 22 Август 2019

256px-TajikistanPNew-1Somonis-1999 f-donatedtk copy copy copyTajikistani somoni (Photo: http://molotok.ru/)

Tajik authorities detained on Monday the deputy head of the country’s Social Insurance and Pensions Agency, accusing her of having  appropriated more than US$100,000.

According to the official website of the Anti-Corruption Department, Bakieva Zarina Dzhamakhonovna falsified pension documents. In doing so, she embezzled money between 2016 and 2019 as one of the managers of the pension fund of the Firdavsi district of the capital of Dushanbe.

Bakieva Zarina and her assistants were charged with misappropriation of money, fraud and forgery of documents and official stamps.