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Russian Investigative Committee

  • Navalny: Russian Authorities Froze My Bank Accounts

    Opposition leader Alexei Navalny said on Tuesday that Russian authorities have blocked all of his bank accounts as well as those belonging to his family, including the one his 11-year-old son used to save money to buy a laptop and the ones his retired parents received their pensions on.

  • Russia: Nationwide Raids of Navalny’s FBK Offices

    Maskedpolice raided on Tuesday the offices and the homes of employees of a non-government organisation led by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and froze the NGO’s bank accounts, saying they found proof that the organization was financed from abroad and laundered the money.

  • Russian Prison Official Steals Highway

    In an outrageous story of alleged theft, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) arrested National Prison Service Acting Deputy Chief Alexander Protopopov and his accomplices this week for (literal) highway robbery, reported Kommersant.

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