
The Power Brokers

Montenegro is far behind its neighbors in building an energy sector.

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August 24th, 2007

Montenegro is far behind its neighbors in building an energy sector.

Underinvestment in energy infrastructure and failure to adequately charge industries for power has created an energy deficit. The country consumes 35 percent more electricity than it produces. Officials say Montenegro does not yet have a plan for restructuring its electricity sector.

Montenegro has one vertically integrated electricity subject - meaning the state owns all levels of it - called Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) that was separated by the end of 2004 into generation, transmission, distribution and supply subjects. The state owns about 68 percent of EPCG.

The country's energy sector is the smallest in the region. It established the Energy Regulatory Agency of Montenegro, in 2004. Montenegro has no licensed energy traders besides EPCG.

| NET ELECTRICITY EXPORTER | 1,780 GWh | | Total Electrical Consumption (2004) | 4,369 GWh | | Total Electrical Production (2004) | 2,589 GWh | | Electrical Consumption per Capita (2002) | ¢5.97kWh |