OCCRP worked on the #29leaks collaboration with more than 20 partner organizations in regions and countries across the globe to sift through the vast cache of leaked data.
Australia - Crikey/INQ
Bulgaria - Bivol.bg
Canada - CBC
Germany - SĂĽddeutsche Zeitung
Hong Kong - South China Morning Post
Hungary - direkt36
India - Economic Times
Italy - IRPI/La Stampa
Mexico - Aristegui Noticias
North Macedonia - Investigative Reporting Lab
Pakistan - The News
Serbia - KRIK
Slovenia - Oštro
Spain - El Confidencial
Sweden - Dagens Nyheter
Switzerland - 24heures
Switzerland - Tamedia Newspapers
UK - Finance Uncovered
UK - The Times
U.S. - NBC News Investigations
U.S. - McClatchy
West Africa - CENOZO
Global - OCCRP
Global - Pursuance Project