Serbia: Alleged Human Traffickers and Illegal Migrants Arrested


Three men have been arrested in Valjevo in western Serbia on suspicion of human trafficking, along with 27 people believed to be illegal migrants.

January 14th, 2015
Migration Police

On Jan. 9, Serbia's Ministry of Interior announced that they were holding three men with the initials A.A., R.R., and R.M. on suspicion of transporting and hiding illegal migrants on their way to EU countries. As a matter of policy, Serbian officials do not release full names of suspects unless they are convicted.

One suspect, referred to only as A.A., 44, allegedly provided accommodation for the migrants in his family home in Popucke for a fee. Two others, R.R., 52, and R.M., 38, are suspected of finding accommodation for the migrants and providing them with transit through Serbia.

The migrants were charged with misdemeanor violation of the Serbian Law on Foreigners.