
Federal Court Rules in Favor of Trump in Corruption Lawsuit

On a cold January day in 1977, U.S. President-elect Jimmy Carter stood in front of his peanut warehouse and announced that in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest while occupying the country’s highest office, he would be severing his ties to his family’s beloved peanut farm. 

Forty years later, attorneys are struggling to compel President Donald Trump to do the same with his US$655 million global business empire. 

Italy: Questions and a Bullet for Salvini

Just a coffee, or a deal that will support Italy’s far-right Lega party and allow Putin to further destabilize the EU? Italian deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini may have to answer this question soon.

Pakistan: Video Stirs Questions About Judicial Impartiality

A senior judge at Pakistan’s anti-corruption court denied on Sunday that he was blackmailed into convicting ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif of graft last year. The denial comes after Sharif's party showed secret videos alleging the judge was intimidated over the case.