
Malta: New Protests Against Graft-Riddled Government

Carrying photos of slain investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and banners that labeled Prime Minister Joseph Muscat as “the 2019 most corrupt man in the world,” hundreds of people protested in Valletta against corruption on Sunday, the Newsbook outlet reported.

South Korea: Ex Justice Minister and Wife Charged with Graft

Two months after he resigned over a scandal involving forged documents regarding family investments and his children’s university admissions, prosecutors on Tuesday indicted former South Korean Justice Minister Cho Kuk and his wife for bribery and other charges, Reuters reported.

Israel: Netanyahu will Seek Immunity from Knesset

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Wednesday he will seek immunity from corruption charges, effectively delaying his trials until after the elections scheduled for March, when he expects to get a majority coalition to protect him from prosecution.

Sudan’s Minister of Religion Orders Graft Probe in his Ministry

After having detected contract irregularities and theft in the Sudan's Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments, Minister Nasreldin Mofreh announced that a special team of investigators will comb the department dealing with endowments and pilgrimages to Mecca, the Dabanga news outlet reported on Monday.

Accomplice in Murder of Slovak Journalist Sentenced to 15 Years

A Slovakian court sentenced a middleman in the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiance Martina Kušnírová to 15 years in prison on Monday, marking the beginning of a judicial process seen by some as a test of the strength of the court system against the interests of the rich and politically connected.