
Europol: Violence from Organized Crime is on the Rise

The European Union is concerned over escalating trends of violence in organized crime groups, according to a new Europol report that cited examples of makeshift torture chambers in the Netherlands, gang wars in Sweden and reported cases of deadly violence in Denmark, Belgium, Italy and Spain.

Report Blames Biathlon Union President of Corruption

The International Biathlon Union has accused its former president, Anders Besseberg, of covering up cheating and blatantly favoring Russian interests after receiving bribes in the form of prostitutes and hunting trips, according to an independent report commissioned by the Union.

China Executes Former Banking Official for Graft

A former chairman of state-owned China Huarong Asset Management, Lai Xiaomin has been executed after being found guilty of seeking bribery payments of more than 1.79 billion yuan (US$278 million) over a ten-year period.

Tunisia Tries to Help Migrants Avoid Slavery

Trying to prevent modern slavery, a Tunisian anti-trafficking body has last week released information cards intending to educate the increased number of human trafficking victims coming from or passing through the country about their rights.