
U.S.: Artifacts Sold by Pandora Papers Named Looter to be Returned

The U.S. Department of Justice filed for the civil forfeiture of a massive trove of Khmer artifacts looted from Cambodia and trafficked by late antiquities dealer Douglas Latchford who allegedly forged provenance documents and used offshore trusts to sell looted art.

Croatian Police Seize Record Load of Drugs

Croatian police reported Tuesday that they have confiscated a record amount of drugs — roughly 62 kilos of cocaine and 220 kilograms of heroin — in the country’s southern port of Ploče in two separate operations in October and November.

Italy Uncovers Conspiracy to Obtain False COVID-19 Certificates

Italian authorities uncovered on Monday a conspiracy involving about 50 people who allegedly tried to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination certificate but avoid inoculation with the help of a nurse in Ancona who - on multiple occasions - was caught on camera emptying the syringe containing the vaccine before administering it into the recipient’s arm.