
Geneva Prosecutor Demands Beny Steinmetz’s Bribery Sentence is Upheld

Closing seven days of hearings at an appeal court on Tuesday, a top Geneva prosecutor accused convicted mining magnate Beny Steinmetz of being a “coward” for roping friends and colleagues into a cover-up of bribery to obtain coveted mining rights and requested his sentence to be upheld.

Kenya: Notorious Wildlife Trafficker Extradited to the U.S.

Kenya extradited the last escaping member of a prominent wildlife trafficking syndicate to the United States, where he is wanted for trafficking huge amounts of ivory and rhino horn, the country’s Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said on Sunday.

Russia’s Heavy Crackdown on Media Continues

Moscow continued this week to silence media and journalists known for their critical or investigative coverage of political and social issues in the country, cracking down on all those whose reporting does not reflect the Kremlin’s narrative.