
ApartmentGate: Bulgaria’s Anti-Corruption Head Resigns

The head of Bulgaria’s anti-corruption authority resigned on Wednesday, several months after he was first implicated in the country’s “ApartmentGate” scandal, in which several senior politicians were found by journalists to have purchased prize real estate far below market value.

South Africa To Audit Employees in Anti-Graft Push

South Africa’s Public Works and Infrastructure Ministry will begin implementing so-called “lifestyle audits” of its employees this month in a bid to curb the financial losses incurred by wasteful spending and corruption, media reported Thursday. 

Officials Examine Sprawling Shadow Economy in Tajikistan

A shadow economy that is depriving the Tajikistan treasury of tax revenue accounts for up to 20%  of the central Asian country’s total economy, the head of the country’s State Investment Committee said on Wednesday, blasting illegal activities by businesses for much of the problem.

No Probe into Tajik ex Official, Suspected of Amassing Wealth

Tajikistan’s anti-corruption agency said on Tuesday it will not investigate the former head of a customs terminal, whom the President fired and publicly scolded in May for lying about his qualifications, amassing unexplained wealth and hiding money abroad.