
Goldman Sachs Close to 1MDB Deal with US, but Malaysia Still Suing

Malaysia’s state prosecutor told media on Friday that he still plans to bring Goldman Sachs executives to court over their role in the country’s biggest corruption affair ever, even though the Wall Street bank is reportedly close to reaching a settlement with the US.


Spanish Police Take Down Clam Gang

The phrase food crime usually entails mixing watermelon and lentils or decorating a glass of milk with hot dogs. But an organized crime group in Spain may have given it a new meaning when it poisoned 27 people with illegally poached clams.

Mexican Corruption Prosecutor Opens 680 Investigations

Eight months after she was appointed as Mexico’s first ever Chief Anticorruption Prosecutor, Luz Mijangos Borja has opened 680 investigations, an “impressive” early track record considering the challenges she faced, said a US-based blog covering the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

SNC-Lavalin Settles Graft Cases for US$213 million

A few days after a former SNC-Lavalin executive was found guilty of paying kickbacks and bribing Libyan officials, the Canadian engineering giant said it will pay US$213 million to settle the two corruption cases.

Pakistan Army Outraged by Former President’s Death Sentence

The Pakistan government said it wants to remove a judge who headed the panel that sentenced former President and army General Pervez Musharraf to death, because the ruling also ordered his body to be left hanging on a square if he dies before execution.

Angola Recovers More Than US$5bn in Stolen Assets

Since the beginning of this year, Angola’s fight against corruption has seen more than five billion US dollars in assets recovered both locally and internationally, the country’s state news agency ANGOP reported on Tuesday.