
Anglo Austrian Bank Files For Bankruptcy

An Austrian bank caught facilitating money laundering said on Monday that it filed for bankrupcy, ending almost a century in banking for one of Austria’s most famous families.

Accusations Fly in Canadian Money Laundering Inquiry

Money laundering heightened a drug overdose crisis, led to skyrocketing real estate prices and distorted the economy of the Canadian province of British Columbia, officials told a public hearing earlier this week.

Barclays Bank Executives Acquitted in Fraud Trial

A London court cleared on Friday three Barclays’s executives of fraud charges that claimed they funneled US$418 million in secret fees to Qatar in return of rescuing the UK-based bank from a state takeover during the 2008 financial crisis.

Aruba detains Montenegrins in Cocaine Bust

Several Montenegrin citizens have been detained when authorities of the Caribbean island of Aruba intercepted earlier this week a ship carrying tons of cocaine destined for Europe, Montenegro’s Police Directorate told OCCRP on Thursday.