
Azeri Couple Surrenders Millions to Settle Money Laundering Case in the UK

An Azerbaijani couple close to Baku’s political elite agreed on Monday to hand over 4 million pounds ($5.5 million) to British authorities and this way settle an inquiry into the origin of their wealth, which is believed to have entered the U.K. through a money laundering system known as the Azerbaijani Laundromat. 

Fate of Pension Funds a Mystery in Latin America

Pension Fund Administrators in Latin America have used hundreds of millions of dollars in worker savings to finance dubious private companies and buy government debt, a new cross-border investigation has revealed.

Russia Cracks Down On Navalny's Allies

Two more of Alexei Navalny’s key supporters ran afoul of Moscow authorities this week in actions they say are intended to further undermine Navalny’s political movement.