
Cyprus to Revoke 45 Golden Visas Issued Illegally

Authorities in Cyprus announced on Friday that they are potentially revoking the citizenship of at least 45 people after a probe found that more than half of those who were issued passports through a now terminated citizenship-for-investment program should never have been granted one.

Pandora Papers Investigation Continues to Make Waves

The Pandora Papers revelations have for a second week prompted responses from those exposed by them, and from governments and civil society groups, who have either completely denied, or belittled the findings, or pledged to take action.

American Executive Defrauded Shareholders of Almost $1 Billion

An American who was formerly the executive vice president of U.S. operations at a Canadian oil-services company pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiring to fraudulently inflate his company’s reported revenue, resulting in shareholders losing over US$886 million.

Former Brazilian CEO Sentenced to 20 Months for Bribery Conspiracy

A former chief executive officer (CEO) of Braskem S.A., a Brazilian petrochemical company, was sentenced in a New York court on Tuesday to 20 months in prison for his role in a conspiracy to use US$250 million of his former company’s money to bribe government officials.

Europe-wide Police Operation Busts Online Fraud Scheme

Authorities in Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Ukraine teamed up against an organized crime group suspected of binary option fraud and believed to have scammed people of millions of euros, European law enforcement agencies said.