
Niger Jails Two Journalists for Reporting about Hashish Trafficking

The director of a French language website and an independent journalist were convicted in a in Niger court on Monday for reporting about the findings of a Swiss-based NGO which claimed Niger to be a major hub for West African hashish traffickers who are colluding with military and political leaders.

Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes

Swedish prosecutors indicted on Tuesday the former CEO of Swedbank with aggravated swindling for downplaying suspected massive money-laundering through the bank’s operations in the Baltic states.

Will the UN Start to Take Cybercrime Seriously?

The U.N. is set to begin negotiations between its member states to establish legal instruments to confront the growing scourge of cybercrime, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime announced, adding that the discussion could be tough as countries have different ideas of what constitutes a cybercrime.