
ICC Arrest Warrants Target Top Russian Officers

New warrants have been issued nearly a year after the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) issued the first arrest warrants against Russian officials, namely Russian President Vladimir Putin and his commissioner for children’s rights Maria Lalova-Belova.

UN HRC Pushes for Probe Into Navalny’s Death

Amidst growing outrage over the plight of Russia’s political opposition and the untimely death of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, the Western powers, spearheaded by the European Union, have demanded an international inquiry.

Venezuela Bans Deutsche Welle, Maduro Calls It ‘Nazi’ Media

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s campaign against critical media continued this week as the regime abruptly took the Deutsche Welle channel off the air late Monday, hours after it aired a story describing the country as the world’s second most corrupt.

US Renews Sanctions Against Guatemalan Drug Trafficking Group

The more things change, the more they remain the same, according to U.S. prosecutors. Specifically, the United States has moved to renew sanctions  against the notorious Guatemalan drug trafficking organization, the Los Pochos, despite its change in leadership.