
  • Serbian President’s Brother Met With Infamous Criminal

    Newly revealed photos depict a friendly restaurant meeting between the influential brother of Serbia’s president and a notorious northern Kosovo underworld figure.


  • Court: Serbian Minister Must Return Illegally Acquired Land

    The Appellate Court in Belgrade upheld a verdict ordering former mayor and current Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali to return illegally acquired land back to the government, KRIK reported Thursday. 

  • How Serbia’s Health Minister Helped a Criminal Avoid Trial

    Petar Panic, also known as “Pana,” is a one-eyed Serbian mobster with a rich criminal history and friends in the right places.

    Panic once served as a bodyguard for Vojislav Seselj, the leader of the ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party, who was recently convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for crimes against humanity.

    A new investigation by KRIK, a partner of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) shows the extent of Panic’s ties to Serbia’s powerful and controversial Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar.

    Loncar-Panic Credit: Edin Pasovic, OCCRP

  • Serbian President’s Party Tied to Football Hooligans

    The official photos of the May 31 inauguration of Aleksandar Vucic present an idyllic scene  --  for good reason.

    Even as Serbia’s new president pledged to do his utmost to preserve “human and minorities’ rights and freedoms,” men outside the building were forcefully removing inconvenient protesters and journalists.

    Young men assault anti-Vucic protesters during the new Serbian president's inauguration ceremony on June 23. (Photo: Bačlija)Young men assault anti-Vucic protesters during the new Serbian president's inauguration ceremony on May 31. (Photo: Bačlija)

  • Despite Hype, Numbers Show Serbia’s Stalling Anti-Corruption Fight

    Belgrade's High Court (Photo: Milica Stojanovic)Belgrade's High Court (Photo: Milica Stojanovic)

    On the early morning of Dec. 12, 2012, police came to the home of Miroslav Miskovic, one of Serbia’s most prominent businessmen, and escorted him into a car as cameras rolled. In no time, his arrest on allegations of corruption that cost the state €33 million (US$ 34.47 million) was breaking news on every Serbian television station and web portal.

  • Serbia’s Deadly Mix: Football, Politics and Crime

    On the night of Oct. 13, 2016, Aleksandar Stankovic’s car pulled toward an intersection in Serbia’s capital, Belgrade, sliding to a halt beside a darkened BMW where two men sat inside unseen, cradling automatic weapons.

    FK Partizan supporters light flares in the stands during a match in Belgrade (Photo: Aubrey Belford)FK Partizan supporters light flares in the stands during a match in Belgrade (Photo: Aubrey Belford)

  • Serbia: Photo of Health Minister in Company of Organized Crime Figure Sparks Controversy

    Angry over not being named director of a public company, a coalition partner of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic showed media this week a photo that fueled existing allegations that one of Vucic’s ministers was previously cooperating with organized crime figures.

  • Serbia’s Vucic Defends Mideast Weapons Sales: “I Adore It When We Export Arms”

    Serbian Prime Minister Aleskandar Vucic has defended the country’s burgeoning arms exports to Saudi Arabia, in response to revelations that the country sold millions of dollars’ worth of arms that likely ended up with Syrian rebels.

  • Threats to OCCRP Partner KRIK: "You Should be Lined up and Shot"

    Threats against independent journalists are fairly common in Serbia. But a recent barrage of online harassment against OCCRP partner the Crime and Corruption Reporting Network (KRIK) – including death threats – raises serious concerns about the freedom of the press in the country.

    napad-na-krikA front page of Serbian tabloid Informer attacking KRIK

  • Serbia: PM Says ‘Top City Officials’ Ordered Buildings Demolished

    The mystery of who was behind April’s bizarre midnight demolition of buildings in Belgrade has been solved, according to Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic: top city officials gave the orders, but he’s sure they did it out of “pure” motives.

  • Serbian PM Family Real Estate Tops €1 million


    Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić and his family own seven properties worth more than € 1 million in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, and recently sold an eighth.

  • Bread and Circuses: How Connected is Serbia's Most Watched TV Channel?


    Two contracts, published by the Serbian Center for Investigative Journalism (CINS) on Monday, illustrate how generous a Serbian government agency has been in providing financial aid to a local private TV channel mostly known for running reality shows, telenovelas and “American Idol”-type singing competitions. The highly popular, privately owned TV Pink, watched daily by millions of people in the Balkans, has also been a platform for government-friendly propaganda.

  • Serbia: Interior Minister Denies Police Were Ordered To Stand Down On April 25

    As citizens of Belgrade continue to ask why no authorities reacted to their calls for help in the night of April 25, when about 30 masked men armed with baseball bats tore up multiple buildings in Belgrade using diggers and mistreated several locals, the Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic denied allegations that the police officers were ordered to stand down that night, in an interview with N1 Television Thursday.

  • Serbian Newspaper Attacks OCCRP Partner

    napad-na-krikA Serbian tabloid has alleged that a respected journalism non-profit is attempting to overthrow the Serbian government, citing information that appears to have come from secret services, intelligence or surveillance.

  • Serbia: Government waives debt of Air Serbia to Belgrade airport

    The Serbian government has asked the Belgrade airport to forgive local carrier Air Serbia a debt of more than US$ 22 million, according to the Serbian Crime and Corruption Reporting Netork (KRIK). The debt constitutes all payments owed by the carrier to the airport for a one year period meaning the airline essentially used the airport for free for one year.

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