Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

  • HRW Urges Pakistan to Stop Using Anti-Graft Body to Harass Opposition

    Human Rights Watch, HRW, hasurged Pakistani authorities to implement the order of the Supreme Court and abolish the country’s anti-graft agency’s power to detain government critics. The global advocacy group also asked officials of the National Accountability Bureau, NAB, who are responsible for unlawful arrests and other abuses to be investigated and prosecuted.

  • Former Pakistan Prime Minister Arrested for Graft

    Pakistan’s anti-graft officials arrested former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Thursday, in the latest blow to Pakistan’s opposition party that has accused current Prime Minister Imran Khan of targeting its leaders.

  • Pakistan Rejects Prosecutor's Request for Travel Ban for Sharif

    Pakistan’s Interior Ministry rejected on Tuesday last week’s request by anti-corruption authorities to impose a travel ban on former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family members.

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