
  • Oak and Omerta in Romania: Saving the Lungs of Europe

    The teeth on an average full-skip chain stand at three-quarter inch intervals and are about the length of a thumbnail. Moving these blades along at a speed of almost 88 feet per second, a gas-powered chainsaw turns even the hardest and oldest of trees to butter.

    Of the 38 million cubic meters of forest lost to Romania’s logging industry each year, only 18 million are licensed and accounted for.Of the 38 million cubic meters of forest lost to Romania’s logging industry each year, only 18 million are licensed and accounted for. By the Associated Press. By The Associated Press

  • World Bank Protests Allegations It Supports Timber Traders

    In the wake of an OCCRP report detailing unsavory links between Madagascar’s government and its voracious rosewood traders, the World Bank is contesting conclusions that its policies are helping to facilitate the region’s illegal logging boom.

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