judge sergio moro

  • Brazil: Reporter who Exposed Collusion Faces Criminal Charges

    Brazil’s State Prosecution Office has filed a criminal complaint against Glenn Greenwald, journalist and co-founder of the Intercept on Tuesday, accusing him of having illegally obtained a series of online chats between prosecutors and the judge who was overseeing Brazil’s biggest corruption case, Operation Car Wash.  

  • Report: Anti-Graft Prosecutors Conspired Against Lula

    A number of top Brazilian prosecutors, including current Justice Minister Sérgio Moro, conspired to prevent former left-wing President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his Workers’ Party from winning the 2018 presidential elections, according to an exclusive report published by The Intercept on Sunday evening. 

  • Brazil’s Favorite President Questioned in Court for Corruption

    The most popular president in Brazilian history, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, was grilled for five hours in court Wednesday by the country’s top anti-corruption judge for his alleged role in the unfolding Petrobras scandal.

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