
  • Hacks, Bots and Blackmail: How Secret Cyber Mercenaries Disrupt Elections

    Undercover reporters recorded a group of covert cyber influence specialists as they pitched their services, which involve using disinformation campaigns, false intelligence, hacks and blackmail to promote their clients’ interests. The group, which calls itself Team Jorge, claims to have worked on dozens of presidential elections around the world and charges multimillion dollar fees.

    hydra jorge final

  • Mozambique US$2B “Tuna Bonds” Trial Now Underway

    The son of Mozambique’s ex-president and 18 bankers and government officials have faced the judge on Monday in a long-awaited trial over the so-called “tuna bonds” scandal involving US$2 billion worth of secret bank loans and bonds that plunged the nation into a financial crisis.

  • Bulgaria: Euroroma Party Official Allegedly Led 'Loansharking Migrant Smugglers'

    A Bulgarian court ordered five members of a group prosecutors suspect of loansharking, blackmailing, racketeering, property fraud, trafficking and harboring illegal immigrants, into pretrial detention Sunday. Their leader is allegedly a prominent member of the Bulgarian Euroroma party.

  • Interpol Seeks Son of Former IAAF President for Receiving Bribes

    At the behest of France, the International Criminal Police Organization Interpol is seeking Papa Massata Diack, the son of Lamine Diack, the former president of the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF). French law enforcement said they are looking for him for "complicity in receivig bribes, aggravated money laundering and conspiracy in an organized group to invest, conceal or convert the proceeds of active corruption".

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Crackdown on 'Cyber Blackmail' Group

    European authorities have cracked down on a cybercrime group they say has been extorting money from businesses by threatening them with cyber attacks since mid-2014.

  • Moldova: ‘Thief-in-Law’ Finally Extradited from Greece

    Alleged thief-in-law Kitaetz, thought to be a member of the powerful criminal group headed by organized crime boss Makena, was finally extradited from Greece on Monday according to Moldova’s Police General Inspectorate.

  • Macedonia: Criminals or Coup?

    Is Macedonia being run by corrupt politicians who are doing terrible, illegal things?

    Or is the beleaguered government fighting off a coup attempt by opposition politicians backed by mysterious foreign spies?

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