Bank of Baroda

  • The data behind the story – the Guptas and the Bank of Baroda

    OCCRP presents data from its investigation into the role of the Bank of Baroda in South Africa’s Gupta scandal, detailing transfers involving companies owned or controlled by the brothers. Photo: OCCRP. Some rights reserved.]]OCCRP presents data from its investigation into the role of the Bank of Baroda in South Africa’s Gupta scandal, detailing transfers involving companies owned or controlled by the brothers. Photo: OCCRP. Some rights reserved.

    In the course of investigating the role of the Bank of Baroda in South Africa’s Gupta scandal, OCCRP received a large volume of data on transactions through the Indian bank, as well as internal documents concerning its South Africa branch.

    Save for company-specific exceptions, the banking data largely covered five years of transactions (2012-2016) involving Baroda's Johannesburg branch --- one of two maintained in South Africa.

    The data was manually investigated and then scraped to remove and control for inconsistency, replication and incomplete information. Transactions were split into inflow and outflow with a unique ID imprinted to each record ensuring that the source of every transaction could be traced back to the relevant bank statements.

    Removed were shell company accounts only tenuously connected to the Guptas and their associated group. Also removed were certain pieces of data involving persons, companies, trusts and call accounts that OCCRP will be using for future investigations. Companies and persons relevant to our article have been made available for the public interest.

    These data can be found in graphs below, which were created by Julia Renouprez. All sums of money are given in South African Rand (ZAR).






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    Trillian VR-Laser Westdawn





    Accounting Firms



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  • India’s Bank of Baroda Played a Key Role in South Africa’s Gupta Scandal

    India’s state-owned Bank of Baroda -- one of the country’s largest -- played a crucial role in the financial machinations of South Africa’s politically influential Gupta family, allowing them to move hundreds of millions of dollars originating in alleged dirty deals into offshore accounts, an investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Project (OCCRP) and The Hindu has found.

    A man walks past the Bank of Baroda’s headquarters in Mumbai, India, May 3, 2016. Photo (c): Reuters/Danish Siddiqui. All rights reserved]A man walks past the Bank of Baroda’s headquarters in Mumbai, India, May 3, 2016. Photo Reuters/Danish Siddiqui.

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